Friday, December 24, 2010

Just Life I Guess.....

I'm not interested in being a Plan B for anyone. I want to be the one and only.
I want the fairy tale, although I know it probably won't happen, I at least want someone to try to make my dreams come true.

I'm a good woman and I deserve a good man. Someone who only has eyes for me. Someone who will take it slow and wait until I'm ready.

As I have been sitting here thinking and watching Lifetime movies, I think I've had an epiphany. I can't stop thinking about him when we're not talking.....
But then I sometimes have to question myself and ask who is HIM? Which brings me right back to where I started.... in a total state of confusion.

Right when I think I have everything figured out, another issue comes up.

Are things supposed to be this challenging?
Am I supposed to question myself?

I thought when this time came around I would just know.... but I don't.

Maybe I'm not ready......

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