Thursday, December 11, 2008

My Prayer

Lord I need you.

You ask what am I in need of?

Someone that is in love with God.
Someone that is saved, sanctified, holyghost filled, and fire baptized.
Someone who will go to church with me and drag me to the altar when he knows I'm going through.
Someone who will dance/shout with me when there is no music playing in the background.
Someone who has God on speed dial and can reach Him in the whee hours of the morning.
Someone who will lay on their face with me as I pray and get my deliverance.
Someone who can pray for me when I can't pray for myself.
Someone who can teach me the word and help me have a clear understanding of it.

Someone who can inspire me when I need some encouragement.
Someone that will love me unconditionally.
Someone who can make me laugh when I am so upset and feel like crying.
Someone who will be there when I need and want him.
Someone who will adore me even when I'm in one of my moods.
Someone who can and will respect the fact that sometimes I need some space and some "me" time.
Someone that will understand that it was just me and God before he came along and I am still learning to incorporate him in my life.

Someone who won't mind me putting my feet all over him and can appreciate my toes and their longness.
Someone who pushes me outside of my comfort zone but still makes me feel comfortable.
Someone who can read me when I don't say a word.
Someone who can sing the high notes of my song "Great is Thy Faithfulness".
Someone that even though he knows I have a million tubes of lipgloss, just one more every so often can't hurt.
Someone that I can have a wonderful conversation with just by looking into his eyes.
Someone that when I feel like acting like a baby he will treat me like one and let me have my way.

Lord you know there is much more but I think I will stop at this for now....


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