Thursday, May 22, 2008

A Look Inside of Me

If you could peek inside of me what would you see?

Would you see a little girl hidden behind her fears of rejection?
Hidden behind a smile she refuses to wipe from her face?
Hidden behind her false sense of confidence?
What would you see?

Would you see this wall she has put up so that you couldn’t get too close?
A wall that blocks anyone from touching her heart.
That wall is all she has that has kept her from getting hurt like she’s seen with so many others.
With that wall gone she is left feeling vulnerable and insecure.
With that wall gone, her heart is free and capable of being hurt.

Well that wall came down and now she’s feeling the repercussions of it.
She’s losing her stability and without that reassurance that everything will work out she has no where to look, no where to turn.
And so she begins to go down.

Mentally, physically, and emotionally

1 comment:

Cedrick Alexander said...


I had no idea you were this poetic.Beautiful piece Miss. Wright.