Sunday, May 25, 2008

Everyone Else

You get butterflies.
You feel this tugging at your heart.
The tears began to swell in your eyes, but yet you try your hardest to fight to keep them back.
All you want to do is scream at the top of lungs.

But you can’t.
You don’t want any one to see your tears.
To see your pain.
To see your hurt.
To see how wounded you are.
To see your damaged heart.
To see straight through this wall you have built into your heart.
Into the very essence of your being.

It would let everyone see there’s more to you than what they can see and feel.
That there is a really nice person inside of you.
You get tired of always having to make sure your outer shell is hard as a rock.
You’re afraid if someone knew there really was a softer side to you, it would destroy all you have worked for.
That you would lose the respect you so rightfully earned.

But you’re holding on to so much.
This burden you’re carrying is causing stress and trauma to your life.
Unfortunately, you can’t release it, because you care about what everyone has to say.
When you learn to care more about you, everything and everyone else will follow the precedent laid out before them.

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