Monday, October 26, 2009


The boundaries were crossed and in the situation, I felt victimized and violated.
Your stupidity will leave you alone and because the ones that you should be worried about, you have left in the dust.
Do you think that it is other people that continue to put you into this same exact situation? I think not, it obviously has to be you.
I had been harboring this feeling for so very long, just covering it back up every time it would arise, but as it began to boiled over inside of me, I just lost all control.
It's you, you are the center of it all, I do not say much, because I do not have too many nice things to say to you.
I'm frustrated because you continue to do this, and you're so selfish, but you walk around thinking everything and everyone is just so peachy.
WELL OPEN YOUR EYES!! Everything is not good, as a matter of fact, everyone hates you.
It's your ignorance of it all, that will make everyone leave you and never look back.

You pissed me off, and I was ready to end your life, but there was a force holding me back. It was holding my fist back and my tongue.
You have no idea, all this that is inside of me, and trust me when I blow up, it will be all over.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

When She Fell for a Friend

It started as just an innocent crush, as something so pure. She thought he was cute and thought it would be no harm in becoming his friend. She promised she did not plan for things to move into the direction they were going, it just happened. It was a natural progression. He understood her jokes and knew the tone of her voice without even hearing her speak. He just got her. She didn't have to explain to him how she felt, because he already knew. He made her talk when she did not feel like talking and made her laugh when she was ready to explode in anger.

He was the one she could tell her secrets to and could feel free of judgement. They have an intense chemistry that no one can come in between, no matter how hard they try. He's her friend, a friend she loves. He knows everything about her, and they're yet still friends. She must be the most blessed person of all, to have a friend that knows all about her and still loves her for her, not because he has to, but because he wants to.

She cherishes their friendship and to be honest although she tells him almost everything, she can't seem to tell him about the way she feels about him. She knows there are boundaries that go unsaid, but she wants to cross them so bad. But she also does not want to risk losing the best friend she has had in her life.

Monday, October 12, 2009

The Set Example

If you haven't realized by now, you are a living example. You have people looking at the way you live your life on a daily basis, but do you care? No, you don't, you continue to live the way you want, despite any consequences there are. You say don't make the same mistakes you made, but that is all I see, MISTAKES, that you continually make. I don't know how much more of this I can take, I need to get out of this situation. You have been doing this for as long as I can remember, when will this ever stop?

I'm trying to understand how you expect to be a leader to someone, when what you always go by is "do as I say, not as I do". That does not work, so if I decide to stop all communication with you, don't be surprised. You try to look down on people for their lifestyles, but you are not in any situation to pointing the finger at anyone. I believe holiness is right, despite the example set before me.